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Our 2x New Year's Matching Gift Challenge is underway, but not for long. From now until Jan. 31, your gift can have double the impact on advancing research, and helping to provide care and support for those impacted by Alzheimer's.
Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disease and the most common cause of dementia. Dementia is not a specific disease. It's an overall term that describes a group of symptoms.
Your memory often changes as you grow older. But memory loss that disrupts daily life is not a typical part of aging.
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See how the brain works and how Alzheimer's disease affects it.
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Approximately 12-18% of people age 60 or older are living with MCI. People with MCI may go on to develop dementia, while others will not.
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Take our free, online course Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia to learn about stages, risk factors, treatments and more.
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Our annual report reveals the burden of Alzheimer’s and dementia on individuals, caregivers, government and the nation’s health care system.
Causes of Alzheimer’s and other dementias can include several risk factors – such as genetics, behaviors and habits.
Dementia is a general term for loss of memory and other thinking abilities severe enough to interfere with daily life. Learn early signs, symptoms and more.
Alzheimer's is a type of dementia that affects memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms eventually grow severe enough to interfere with daily tasks.
Learn what to expect when visiting a doctor for symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease typically progresses slowly in three general stages.
Read about the benefits of receiving an early diagnosis.
There's no cure for Alzheimer’s, but there are treatments that may change disease progression, and drug and non-drug options that may help treat symptoms.
Our commitment to accelerating the global effort to eliminate Alzheimer's disease and other dementias is at the core of all we do.
An overview of research on treatments aimed at stopping, slowing or even preventing Alzheimer's.
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