Care Consultations
You are not alone.
Learn about the first steps to take when seeking support for a dementia diagnosis.
Stepping into the role of caregiving can be stressful and many people need more support while providing care for someone living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. Our Dementia Care Consultation program funded through the Family Caregiver Support Program provides eligible unpaid family caregivers living in King county and Snohomish counties with no-cost dementia consultations that connect them with community resources and referrals that best meet their needs.
Program eligibility:
- Care partner/caregiver (18 years and over) lives in King or Snohomish county
- Care receiver lives in an independent setting (at home alone, with spouse/other family, etc.)
- Care receiver is not covered by Medicaid for Long-term Services & Supports at this time
Grant-funded through the Family Caregiver Support Program through the City of Seattle and Snohomish County Long-term Care and Aging division, our program can provide support in a variety of ways.
Learn about the first steps to take when seeking support for a dementia diagnosis.
How Dementia Care Consultations can help:
- Enhance communications between the person with memory loss, family/caregivers, and health care professionals
- Provide strategies for coping with a dementia diagnosis, symptoms, and disease progression
- Education to help understand dementia behaviors and how to support independence
- Guidance around planning for the future and making long-term care plans
- Strategies to maintain family and social relationships
- Support for caregivers balancing many roles and changes
What Dementia Care Consultations provides for eligible families:
- Annual personalized visits in your home, our office, or a public meeting space in King or Snohomish County
- Phone or virtual consultations as the health status of you or your loved one changes, and on an as-needed basis to problem-solve and action plan
- Assessment of individual and family care needs
- Safety and environment feedback from the lens of dementia care
- Coordination of certain services
- Community resource information and referrals
- Action planning specific to your unique situation and needs
- Ongoing education, support, and resources related to dementia care
Getting Started
For unpaid family caregivers living in King or Snohomish counties, the first step is to complete the TCARE Personal Family Caregiver Survey which asks you to reflect on your experiences providing care and helps our Care Consultants understand your current caregiving situation. Once you have completed this survey, a Care Consultant will contact you to discuss your current needs and explore resources/support options related to caring for someone living with dementia that best suit you and your family.If you live outside of King or Snohomish counties, or your loved one is currently residing in long-term care, you may request to speak with a Care Consultant through our 24/7 Helpline: 1.800.272.3900.
Referral Forms
Physicians, nurses, social workers, other health care professionals and clinic staff may refer interested families/individuals to our Dementia Care Consultation program using the Health Care Practitioner Referral Form.
Staff from non-health settings may use the Community Provider Referral Form to make referrals.
Completed forms can be emailed to or faxed to 206-363-5700.
About Dementia Care Consultation through the Family Caregiver Support Program
This Dementia Care Consultation program is a grant-supported program in King and Snohomish counties. In King County, the program is funded by the City of Seattle Human Services Department and the local Area Agency on Aging for Seattle-King County, co-sponsored by the City of Seattle Human Services Department. In Snohomish County, the program is funded by the Snohomish County Family Caregiver Support Program. Community members throughout Washington and North Idaho may receive telephone-based care consultations from Masters-level clinicians by calling our Helpline at 1.800.272.3900.
This program is confidential and offered at no cost. Donations accepted.accepted.
1.800.272.3900 |