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Alzheimer's Association TrialMatch® is a free, easy-to-use clinical studies matching service that generates customized lists of studies based on user-provided information. You can easily see what studies you may qualify for. Our continually updated database contains more than 250 studies, including both pharmacological (drug) and non-pharmacological (non-drug) studies being conducted at sites across the country and online.

We need your help to advance research
Individuals with dementia or those who are at risk of developing it, caregivers and healthy volunteers with no dementia issues are needed today to help advance Alzheimer's research.
By participating in clinical research, you can help to accelerate progress and provide valuable insight into potential treatments and methods of prevention. Without the participation of people like you, finding a cure is nearly impossible.


Whether you’re living with memory loss, or you care for someone who is, answer a few questions about your situation and ALZNavigator™, an interactive online tool, will guide you to your next steps.

Cornerstone is the official newsletter of the Alzheimer's Association of Greater Cincinnati. Distributed free of charge to more than 22,000 households and facilities, each issue of Cornerstone features the latest news on chapter events, programs and services and issues related to Alzheimer's research, caregiving and public policy initiatives.

If you would like to be added to the Cornerstone newsletter mailing list, please send an email with your name and mailing address to Annemarie Barnett at

Local Resource listings for the Greater Cincinnati Chapter: