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Support and connection is vital while living with mild cognitive impairment or in the early stage of Alzheimer's and other dementias. For those living with mild memory loss and early dementia, talking with those in a similar journey can be helpful and improve overall well being. Additionally, there is a lot to learn and prepare for at this point in the dementia journey. 

We are pleased to offer an 11 week workshop at various locations across the front range for those living with dementia and their care partners. Start dates and times vary depending on location. To ensure that a person is comfortable and able to discuss their memory loss, a brief screening conversation is done prior to registration. Care partners are encouraged to attend as well to prepare for the journey ahead. 

The workshop is both educational and supportive in nature. In some sessions the care partner and person with dementia attend and participate together. In other sessions they are separate for individual processing.

Topics include disease education, planning for the future, grief and loss, relationship changes, driving and independence, and how to live well with dementia. There is also time for social connection and relationship building.

To learn about the upcoming "New to Dementia" Workshops starting near you and to register, please call our Helpline at 800.272.3900. 

 2024 Early Stage Orientation (Virtual Meeting Registration).