ALZtogether is a national collegiate sports initiative that raises funds and awareness for Alzheimer's and all other dementia. By hosting an ALZtogether game, student-athletes and staff can bring together the collegiate sports community by playing in honor of a loved one and making a difference for the nearly 7 million Americans living with Alzheimer's.
How ALZtogether works

An ALZtogether game is a sporting event that focuses on supporting the Alzheimer's Association to raise important awareness and funds. Colleges can select a single sport and game or choose games across multiple sports and create an on-campus movement. Participating schools have raised thousands of dollars to fight Alzheimer's since 2022.
Previous participating schools include the University of Southern California, University of Pittsburgh, Franklin & Marshall College, University of Maryland and Indiana University.
ALZtogether has become a national movement with fundraising games hosted throughout the country across all NCAA divisions and leagues. For the full list of participating schools, click the leaderboard button below.
ALZtogether toolkit
Interested colleges and athletes can find resources in our ALZtogether toolkit, which includes step-by-step information including:
Event guide.
Press release.
Fundraising best practices.
Talking points.
Alzheimer's disease facts and figures.
For more information, email Andrew Christy.
Jimmy Lundgren
Heather Pietsch