Call our 24 hours, seven days a week helpline at 800.272.3900

LÍNEA DE AYUDA 24/7 800.272.3900

Helping You

Helping You
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The Alzheimer’s Association - Hawai'i provides support, education, training and other resources to increase knowledge and to support those facing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. We are here to help.


Our toll-free 24/7 Helpline is a good place to start when you need support. We offer help in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and many other languages, and someone will always be available: 800.272.3900. You can also reach our chapter by email at

Speaker Requests or Health Event Participation Invitation

Please send your request to We do ask that we are provided with at least a 30-day notice. 

Keep Up With Alzheimer’s News and Events

El primer sobreviviente del Alzheimer está allí afuera, pero no lo lograremos sin usted.

Cómo participar

Conozca los efectos de la enfermedad de Alzheimer sobre el cerebro.

Realice el paseo

No se quede de brazos cruzados esperando una cura. Ayúdenos a encontrarla. 

Más información