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You can help us make it happen...a world without Alzheimer's disease.

Our volunteers are passionate, inspired, and want to make a difference in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. Whether you can spare a few hours a week, or make a more significant time commitment, please consider becoming an Alzheimer's Association volunteer. See below for a list of our volunteer opportunities througout the state.

Apply to become a volunteer today!

For questions or additional information, please email or call 800.272.3900.

Volunteer Roles:

•   Walk to End Alzheimer’s: Join our volunteer committee to help us reach our fundraising goal, plan the day of the Walk, recruit new Walk teams and spread awareness.
•   The Longest Day: Join our volunteer committee to help us bring back and recruit new participants and local businesses, spread awareness and plan the kick-off and celebration parties. 
•   Gala Committee Member: Join one of our gala committees to help plan the event, secure sponsors and spread awareness. The Wine & Chocolate Festival is held in the Siouxland area, Memories in the Making is in the Quad Cities, and the Purple Soirée is in Des Moines.
•   Community Educators: Deliver Alzheimer’s Association education programs on care and support topics, recruit new community partners and schedule presentations.
•   Support Group Facilitators: Lead a monthly caregiver support group and spread awareness to reach new caregivers.
•   BrainWorks Committee Member: Help plan our annual BrainWorks Conference in Des Moines and the Quad Cities.
•   AIM Advocates: Help us pass state and federal legislative priorities to overcome Alzheimer's disease through increased investment in research, enhanced care and improved support. 
​•   Outreach Volunteers: Help reach and spread awareness in underrepresented and high risk populations and assist with health equity work.

At the Alzheimer's Association, diversity and inclusion are vital to our mission. We strive to create and maintain a work environment in which all people are treated with dignity, decency and respect.

Keep Up With Alzheimer’s News and Events

The first survivor of Alzheimer's is out there, but we won't get there without you.

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Learn how Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain.

Take the Brain Tour

Don't just hope for a cure. Help us find one.

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