Our 24-hour Helpline at 800.272.3900 anytime night or day, 365 days a year.
Heart of America Chapter Office:
We recently moved our office to:
8001 Conser, Suite 240, Overland Park, KS 66204.
Our phone number will remain the same, 913.831.3888.
We welcome you to visit our new location, however on occasion, our entire staff will be out in community, so it is best if you call first to be sure staff is on site.
Questions about donations, memorials, fundraising or tributes?
Contact Tracy Fogel at 913.831.3888.
Looking for a program or support group contact in a specific location within our service area?
Kansas City Area
Call 913.831.3888
Contact Prisca Asaro at
Northwest Missouri (ST. JOSEPH) Area
Contact Brenda Gregg at
816.364.4467 or bgregg@alz.org
Northeast Kansas (TOPEKA) Area
Contact Prisca Asaro at paasaro@alz.org
Southeast Kansas Area
Contact Prisca Asaro at