Greg Gilbert lives in Hyden, KY and is Nurse Administrator at Eastern Kentucky Veterans Center which is part of the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs. He has volunteered with the Alzheimer’s Association for around 10 years.
In what way do you volunteer?
First couple years as a local support group facilitator, 6 years as Ambassador of KY-05, 6 years as Hazard Site Coordinator for Alzheimer’s Association/Sanders-Brown Tele-Health Series (recently stepped down from this though). 3-Time Longest Day Event Coordinator, and Walk to END Alzheimer’s Team Captain (Berea).
Why do you support the Association? Has Alzheimer’s disease personally affected you? If so, how?
As a Long-Term Care Provider for the past 21 years, I’ve seen over a thousand Eastern Kentuckians pass away from Alzheimer’s and other related dementias. I also lost my Grandmother Edith to Alzheimer’s in 2006 and my Great Uncle Haywood to Alzheimer’s earlier this year.
What impact do you feel your work with the Alzheimer’s Association has on the community?
Education and Support. I can still remember when people in the community would discuss a person’s passing and say they died from being “senile” or “losing their mind” when evidence supported they likely had Alzheimer’s disease. As more opportunities for educational series have become available in Eastern Kentucky, so has the understanding of this disease. Support to the professional care givers in the region by being educated through the Alzheimer’s Association’s professional caregiver series. Education and Support for local Hospice programs through the passage of Alzheimer’s Association supported Legislative action PCHETA.
What else are you involved in within your community?
Mary Breckinridge Festival Planning Committee, Lead Board Member of Essie CMA Church, and Leslie County Historical Society.
Why would you encourage others to support the Association?
Because if we don’t change the trend, the next diagnosis of Alzheimer’s you may hear of may be your own, or someone you love. We owe it to our +70,000 fellow Kentuckians who currently have Alzheimer’s to search for a cure, while fighting for the proper care and support they deserve.
Is there anything else you would like us to include or know about you?
I’m proud of the work my wife Rita and son Caden have also done in regards to advocating for Alzheimer’s disease.