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Celebrate the holidays with a year-end gift that can go 3x as far to help provide care and support to people affected by Alzheimer’s disease, and to advance critical research. But please hurry — this 3x Match Challenge ends soon.
The 2018 Massachusetts Law Relative to Alzheimer's and Dementia in the Commonwealth included a provision creating the Massachusetts' Governor's Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Disease. Noting that only half of people living with dementia are diagnosed, the Advisory Council, chaired by Secretary of Elder Affairs Dr. Elizabeth Chen, recognizes the need to drive detection and diagnosis, especially in primary care. The Council's Diagnosis and Service Navigation Work Stream has identified tools to assist providers with diagnosis; the Alzheimer's Association, MA/NH Chapter is pleased to provide links to those resources here.
Resources for Cognitive Assessment, Diagnosis, Care Planning, and Management
RUDAS: Cognitive Screening Instrument designed to minimize the effects of cultural learning and language diversity on the assessment of baseline cognitive performance
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