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The Alzheimer's Association Northern California and Northern Nevada Chapter provides support, education, training, and other resources to increase knowledge and to support those facing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. We are here to help.


Education Programs

Our education programs feature information on topics including the signs of Alzheimer’s disease, diagnosis, communication, living with Alzheimer’s and caregiving techniques, brain health etc. 

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Online Learning or visit our Chinese website at

Host a seminar at your location (min. 15 attendees), please contact Peining Chang at or 408.372.9943.


我們的教育講座涵蓋多個主題: 阿滋海默症的警告徵兆、診斷、溝通、罹病的生活及照護技巧,以及腦部健康等等。

搜尋南灣地區教育課程 >
搜尋舊金山地區教育課程 >
搜尋東灣地區教育講座 >


為你所屬的團體安排一場教育講座 (至少15人),請連繫張珮寧,電郵至pchang@alz.org或致電408.372.9943。

Support Groups

The best thing you can do for the person you are caring for is stay physically and emotionally strong. Support groups offer comfort and reassurance, and can be a good source of practical advice and even humor. To find an in-person caregiver support group in your neighborhood, go to our Chinese support group listings, or call our 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900.

Our support group information is updated regularly and is subject to change. Please call before or email the group meeting contact before attending to verify that your group is still meeting at the time, date and location listed. Please note our caregiver support groups are not appropriate for professionals or paid caregivers. 


你可以為你所關心的人做的最好的事情就是保持身體和情緒上的健康。 互助學習團體提供一個舒適且可以安心分享的環境,並且也是獲得實用的建議,甚至幽默感的來源。要在你住家附近找到互助學習團體,請搜尋我們中文互助團體列表,或撥打我們24小時諮詢專線800.272.3900。

我們互助學習團體的信息會定期更新,並可能隨時更改。 出席前,請先來電或通過電子郵件與互助團體聯繫人確認團體聚會的日期、時間,與地點。 請注意,我們的照護者互助學習團體不適合專業人士或專業付費看護人員。


Learning Circles

The Alzheimer’s Association® offers Learning Circles, a program designed to help caregivers seeking additional support and knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease. Learning Circles meet monthly and are facilitated by community ambassadors who are trained leaders with experience providing care for someone with dementia.

Learning Circles cover a variety of topics, including managing difficult behaviors, legal and financial issues, medication management and caregiver self-care. 

For more information about Learning Circles, contact Xiaorong Ou at



學習團的主題多樣,包括管理困難行為、法律與財務問題、藥物管理及照護者自我照護, 諸如此類。

更多華人學習團的訊息,請連繫歐小榮,電郵xou@alz.org或致電 408.372.9926。

Chinese Newsletter

For the latest information on upcoming events sign up for our newsletter.



You can find more information on Alzheimer's disease on our national Chinese language website at

更多阿滋海默症中文資訊, 請上協會中文網站