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    Models and Frameworks

    Models and Frameworks

    These models and frameworks help public health agencies develop strategies and objectives to address Alzheimer's and dementia as public health issues. They offer guidance in using common public health tools and techniques to mitigate the future impact of Alzheimer's.

    Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map

    This guidebook leads state and local public health agencies through 24 actions to act quickly and strategically to stimulate positive changes in policies, systems and environments.

    Developed with an expert and practitioner leadership committee, the HBI Road Map aligns with Essential Services of Public Health to ensure Alzheimer's initiatives can be easily and efficiently incorporated into existing public health efforts. The HBI Road Map outlines the most needed and practical steps that state and local public health departments can accomplish.

    Road Map for Indian Country

    The HBI Road Map for Indian Country is a guide for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) leaders to learn about dementia and start discussions throughout their communities.

    Eight public health strategies are suggested as a starting point. Collectively, the strategies aim to improve health and well-being in Indian Country, address cognitive impairment, and help support AI/AN dementia caregivers. These strategies can be tailored to the unique priorities of each community.

    Healthy People 2030

    The Healthy People 2030 federal initiative is the framework that sets the nation's health prevention and promotion goals for the next decade. It serves as a guiding set of measurable objectives that can inform budgetary and programmatic decisions throughout public health agencies.

    This framework includes three objectives designed to increase diagnosis and diagnosis disclosure of Alzheimer's and other dementias, reduce preventable hospitalizations among people living with severe cognitive impairment, and increase talks between health care providers and people experiencing subjective cognitive decline.