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    BRFSS and Other Data Resources

    BRFSS and Other Data Resources

    Data on dementia, caregiving and other public health topics guide priorities in public health action and interventions. This page provides available state-specific data on cognitive decline and dementia caregiving, as well as providing links to additional relevant data sources.

    Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

    Two optional modules of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) — the Cognitive Decline module and the Caregiver module — provide state-level data on the impact of subjective cognitive decline (SCD) and caregiving. Learn more about the modules and how to use the data on Data, Assessment, and Analysis.

    What is subjective cognitive decline?

    Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is a non-clinical description of individuals who self-report that they are experiencing problems with thinking or memory. These problems are not observable on assessment tests. Evidence shows SCD is one of the earliest warning signs of potential future dementia and indicates a higher risk of developing the condition.

    BRFSS Cognitive Decline module

    BRFSS Resources

    BRFSS SCD analysis and reports

    BRFSS Caregiver module

    BRFSS Resources

    BRFSS Caregiver analysis and reports

    Additional data

    The CDC operates the Healthy Aging Data Portal, a collection of key indicators of health and well-being, screenings and vaccinations, and mental health among older adults at the national and state levels.

    The dementias topic area of Healthy People 2030 includes three objectives and corresponding data. The data covers diagnosis of dementia and diagnosis disclosure, preventable hospitalizations among people living with dementia, and rates of communication between health care providers and people experiencing thinking and memory difficulties. This data can demonstrate the necessity of public health interventions in these areas.

    The Alzheimer's Association's annual Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures report provides national and state statistics on Alzheimer's prevalence, cost, mortality, workforce capacity and impact on caregivers.