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2021 Pilot Awards for Global Brain Health Leaders (GBHI)

Narratives on caring and being cared for

Fernando Aguzzoli Peres, B.A.
Instituto Moriguchi
Veranópolis, Brazil

n this project, Fernando Aguzzoli Peres will use his journalistic background to explore approaches to communicate about dementia based on perspectives from caregivers, healthcare professionals and researchers. Peres will embed himself in different community settings (including the Netherlands, Costa Rica and Brazil) as an observer and conduct interviews with caregivers and healthcare professionals. Peres will use storytelling as a tool to build impactful materials that combine real stories and emotions and underscore the need to advocate for good practices in communicating about dementia. These materials will be used in universities and healthcare courses. Peres will collaborate with the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, International Longevity Center, Brazilian Alzheimer's Society and a number of federal universities in this writing project. If successful, this study may be useful in implementing positive attitudes such as empathy and compassion towards individuals with dementia. Ultimately, this may also enhance life experience for individuals with dementia and their caregivers in Brazil and could be scaled globally.

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