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We are here for your educational needs.



The Alzheimer's Association offers a variety of education programs to increase knowledge and to support those facing Alzheimer's disease. 


View our current calendar below on this page or log in to the Community Resource Finder at for a comprehensive list of programs, services, and events nationwide.  

September 2024 San Diego/Imperial Chapter Education Calendar
To register for our programs please visit: 
Early Stage Engagement Programs
Virtual - Memories at The Museum for People Living 
with Dementia and Their Care Partners
Held the first Tuesday of each month from 2 to 3 p.m.
Pre-Registration required at or call 
The UC San Diego, Shiley-Marcos ADRC at 858.822.4800.

Tune into our Podcast 
The podcast is a place where everyday people speak about their experiences, their struggles, and the everyday highs and lows that come with their family member’s Alzheimer’s journey.

Hear a new episode monthly by clicking: 

Visit the Alzheimer's Association Training and Education Center online
to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease, caregiving, healthy living and planning for the future. Examples of available courses include Know the 10 Signs, Effective Communication Strategies, Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body, Managing Money: A Caregiver's Guide to Finances, and the Living with Alzheimer's series for caregivers in each stage and for people with Alzheimer’s.