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As the largest nonprofit funder of Alzheimer's research, the Alzheimer's Association's international research grant program is currently investing more than $100 million in over 370 best-of-field active projects across 18 countries. Our newest study, the US POINTER study, has drawn significant national and international attention. According to Maria C. Carrillo, PhD, Alzheimer's Association Chief Science Officer, "We now can effectively prevent and treat heart disease with a combination of drugs and lifestyle. The same is true with some cancers; the same with HIV/AIDS. The same may also be true for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias in the not too distant future. The Alzheimer's Association is extremely proud to launch this clinical trial with our scientific partners." Thank you to all NARFE members for the role your support plays in this and other Association efforts to advance vital research toward methods of prevention, treatment and ultimately, a cure.
Alzheimer's Association announces new study to test impact of lifestyle on preventing cognitive decline
At the Alzheimer's Association International Conference® 2017 in London, the Alzheimer's Association announced the launch of the U.S. study to PrOtect through a lifestyle INTErvention to Reduce risk (US POINTER), a $20 million, two-year clinical trial to test the ability of a multidimensional lifestyle intervention to prevent cognitive decline and dementia. The study will include physical exercise, nutritional counseling and modification, cognitive and social stimulation, and improved self-management of medical conditions. Recruiting for the study will begin in 2018. Learn more.
Have you joined the NARFE National Walk team?
With NARFE teams for the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's® forming in many communities across the country, there's sure to be one near you. Come meet other NARFE members in your area who share your passion for the fight against this disease as you help us reach the National NARFE team goal of $100,000. Our fundraising tools make it easy to collect donations and spread the word. Raise $100 to receive a Walk T-shirt.* Visit to register.

*Every registered participant will receive a T-shirt after achieving the minimum fundraising established for their Walk. In most instances, this is $100.
Healthier living could reduce worldwide dementia by one-third
More than one-third of dementia cases worldwide could be prevented by addressing lifestyle factors such as education, hypertension, diet, hearing loss and depression over the course of a person's lifetime, according to a new report presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference® 2017 in London. Prepared by the first Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention and Care, the report identified nine modifiable risk factors over a person's life span, including formal education (up to age 15), obesity, hearing loss, depression, diabetes, physical activity, smoking and low social contact. Learn more.
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Your donation will strengthen our efforts to advance Alzheimer's care, support and research. From face-to-face support to online education programs and promising global research initiatives, your gift makes a difference in the lives of all those affected by Alzheimer's and other dementias in your community and across the world. Thank you for your continued support.

Alzheimer's Association National Office, 225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17, Chicago, IL 60601
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