The Judy Fund News - May 2024

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Mother's Day is a time to reflect on the mothers and grandmothers like Judy Gelfand and so many others who've shaped our lives. On Mother's Day, and every day, you make a tremendous impact in the fight against Alzheimer's. Because of your generosity, we can continue to support the Women's Alzheimer's Research Initiative (WARI), which illuminates gender differences in Alzheimer's and strives to unlock the mysteries of a disease that disproportionately affects women. Together, we continue to think about and appreciate all the moms taken from us by this disease, and we look forward with determination to our shared vision of a world without Alzheimer's. Thank you for your ongoing support of The Judy Fund.

Advocates vow to continue fighting for progress

More than 1,000 advocates gathered from all 50 states for the AIM Advocacy Forum to help advance policies for people living with dementia and their caregivers. Advocates were recognized for their relentless commitment to raising awareness and fostering understanding about the challenges faced by people impacted by Alzheimer's. 

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Home safety is important for a person living with Alzheimer's

People living with Alzheimer's or another dementia are at increased risk of injury or harm in certain areas of the home. We have tips on how to take precautions to create a safe environment and help maximize independence.

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Take care of emotional needs after an Alzheimer's diagnosis

Coming to terms with an Alzheimer's diagnosis and the emotions you may feel can help you move forward and discover ways to live a positive and fulfilling life. Acknowledging your feelings can be an empowering first step in coping with the challenges ahead. 

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Confusion is common in people in the later stages of Alzheimer's

A person living in the later stages of Alzheimer's may not remember familiar people, places or things. Situations involving memory loss and confusion can be difficult for caregivers and families, and require patience and understanding. 

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The Judy Fund Website
Walk to End Alzheimer's National Team
The Longest Day Global Team