Our Beginnings

After losing her father to early-onset Alzheimer's, Michaela "Mikey" Hoag founded Part the Cloud in 2012 with the goal to educate, fundraise and to accelerate critically needed Alzheimer's disease research. She realized that her personal story could have the power to rally people around the Alzheimer's cause, so she partnered with the Alzheimer's Association and a steering committee of women affected by the disease to launch the first Part the Cloud Gala. Since then, Mikey's mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and lost her battle in November of 2019. Over the past 20 years, Mikey has watched both of her parents suffer from this disease and with more meaning than ever, she has made it her life's mission to end Alzheimer's so that the next generation is not impacted the way she and her siblings have been. Much more than a star-studded fundraiser, Part the Cloud has become a movement to accelerate promising Alzheimer's research.

Our Successes

Part the Cloud has raised over $82 million since 2012 for cutting-edge research.

The research projects funded by Part the Cloud accelerate findings from the laboratory, through trials, into possible therapies — filling the gap in Alzheimer's drug development by supporting early phase clinical studies. Funds raised by Part the Cloud have made it possible to grant 68 research awards since January 2013. These awards span a variety of targets in Alzheimer's disease research and fall under the leadership of some of the nation's most prestigious scientists and universities.

Our Mission: To fund Alzheimer's research with the highest probability of slowing, stopping or ultimately curing Alzheimer's disease.



"Twelve years ago, Part the Cloud was just an idea — how could we make a difference fighting Alzheimer's and start a conversation in Silicon Valley to change the course of this devastating disease? Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that Part the Cloud would turn into the single largest fundraising event in the history of the Alzheimer's Association. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all of your support and awestruck by what we have accomplished together."

- Michaela "Mikey" Hoag, Part the Cloud Founder

Read Mikey's letter

Alzheimer's Association

Alzheimer's Association is the world's leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research. As the largest non-profit funder of Alzheimer's research, the Association is committed to accelerating progress of new treatments, preventions and ultimately, a cure.

Part the Cloud Steering Committee

Contact Us

For more information, please contact Cassidy Remmert at ceremmert@alz.org or 312.335.5837.

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