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The Alzheimer's Association Greater Richmond Chapter serves twenty-four counties; Amelia, Caroline, Charles City, Chesterfield, Cumberland, Dinwiddie, Essex, Gloucester Point, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, King and Queen, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northumberland, Powhatan, Prince George, Richmond, Spotsylvania, Surry, and Westmoreland, and five cities; Colonial Heights, Fredericksburg, Hopewell, Petersburg, and Richmond.

We help all those facing Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias by providing support groups and educational resources, while advancing crucial research and public policy initiatives.

Our mission:
The Alzheimer's Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.

Our vision:
A world without Alzheimer's and all other dementia.

The Alzheimer’s Association provides care and support
The Alzheimer’s Association provides services to the Greater Richmond community. Our support groups are led by trained volunteers and staff and are offered regularly. Our education programs for the general public, both online and in person, feature information on topics such as diagnosis, warning signs, communication, living with Alzheimer’s disease and caregiving techniques.

Find a support group or educational program near you.

The Alzheimer’s Association advocates for the needs and rights of those facing Alzheimer’s
The Association is the leading voice for Alzheimer's disease advocacy, making the need for Alzheimer’s care, education and research is heard at every level of government, including the Virginia General Assembly. Join us by becoming an advocate. 

The Alzheimer’s Association accelerates research across the globe
As the largest nonprofit funder of Alzheimer's research, the Association is committed to accelerating the global progress toward methods of treatment, prevention and ultimately, a cure. Learn more about research.

Keep Up With Alzheimer’s News and Events

El primer sobreviviente del Alzheimer está allí afuera, pero no lo lograremos sin usted.

Cómo participar

Conozca los efectos de la enfermedad de Alzheimer sobre el cerebro.

Realice el paseo

No se quede de brazos cruzados esperando una cura. Ayúdenos a encontrarla. 

Más información