Crystal Kung Minkoff, who joined “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills'' as the show's first Asian American cast member, is close to her family and her Chinese heritage. After losing her dad to Alzheimer's in 2018, Crystal continues to find ways to keep his memory with her as she cooks in her home kitchen and gathers around the table with family. Watch as Crystal shares her congee recipe, and talks about the importance of this comforting family dish as we enter the Chinese New Year.
Congee Recipe:
I always think of Dad as his sign in the Chinese zodiac, the sheep. He embodied his zodiac qualities in the best possible ways. He was easy going, a family man, a good sport and always a team player.
Crystal Kung Minkoff
1 cup rice, lightly rinsed to maintain as much starch as possible
10 cups of water or broth
Place the rice, along with the water or broth, into your rice cooker. Turn the rice cooker on, stirring occasionally, until the congee is smooth, and no longer grainy. The consistency should be soft and runny.
Top with any of your favorite toppings!
Crystal suggests: Pickled cucumber, dried shrimp, cilantro, salted duck egg, green onion, ginger and/or sesame oil. Her dad loved chili oil to add a touch of spice.
What recipes are you looking forward to making with your family this year? Tell us in the comments.
About: One of Crystal’s favorite activities is cooking with her children. Read more about Crystal’s Alzheimer’s story and her relationship with her dad.
Learn more about the Alzheimer's Association's culinary initiative Around the Table.
This post was updated in January 2023.