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Kids and Teens

Alzheimer’s changes the lives of everyone it touches.​ You are not alone.
When a friend or family member has Alzheimer’s disease, you may feel upset, confused or scared. Some people with early-stage Alzheimer’s may forget words or not remember your name from time to time. But, when you spend time with people with late-stage Alzheimer’s, it is easy to see that something serious is going on. People with Alzheimer’s disease are not acting like this because they don’t care about you. Changes deep inside their brains are destroying the centers that control remembering, thinking and feeling. Learning about Alzheimer’s disease can help you understand what to expect and how to connect with the person you care about.

Brain Facts

Read about the source of brain power and how the brain is affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

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50 Activities

Find ways to spend time with a person living with Alzheimer’s, whether it’s an outdoor experience like a day in the park or an indoor game of cards.


50 Activities

Books for Kids

Alzheimer’s disease is a difficult subject, but learning more about it can help families learn what to expect.

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Know the 10 Signs

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Learn how Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain.

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