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    Edward Jones Associates Fight to End Alzheimer’s

    Edward Jones Associates Fight to End Alzheimer’s

    This post was updated on November 5, 2021. 

    Edward Jones associates and their families continue to make a difference in the fight to end Alzheimer’s in honor of the people they love, and in support of all those facing Alzheimer's and other dementia. Meet 11 people whose passion in the fight to end Alzheimer’s is personal.

    Heather Mayweather, Tennessee

    As an Army medic in Iraq, Edward Jones financial advisor Heather Mayweather lives by the Army Ranger Creed of ‘no man (or woman) left behind.’

    In the Army, it was my job to ensure that any wounded soldiers were quickly recovered, treated and transported back to the safety of their field hospital. After five years serving in the military, I received my MBA and pursued a career in finance. 

    When I joined Edward Jones, I believed my Army days were over, but another call to duty would soon be on my doorstep. I met a client living with dementia whose family member had been spending all of her money. Fortunately, Edward Jones has tools to help protect clients from the variety of financial impacts of Alzheimer’s and other dementia. One of the most important tools is the Trusted Contact conversation, which happens between associates and clients whenever an account is opened or in review. And we use that conversation to tell clients about Edward Jones’ alliance with the Alzheimer’s Association, and how we will be their trusted partner should they ever be faced with the disease. 

    We have created a deep trust with our clients by joining forces with Alzheimer’s Association for the annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s, the world's largest fundraiser for Alzheimer's care, support and research. Our clients look forward to walking in support of this cause, and it gives us the chance to make a difference together, even for people we don’t know. 

    This includes a woman in my neighborhood, struggling to get into her truck. Because of the training I received through Edward Jones, I was quickly able to determine that the woman needed help. I called my homeowner’s association and learned that this was a neighbor who had Alzheimer’s disease. Not only was I able to keep her safe until her husband arrived, I was able to provide the couple with resources they so desperately needed. Many Edward Jones associates, including myself, carry care bags that have resources about the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s, along with other local resources, so that whenever we come across someone that needs that help, we are ready. I didn’t know it then, but when I joined Edward Jones, I was joining another army: one dedicated to protecting their clients’ wealth and battling the enemy that threatens it, Alzheimer's disease.

    Deb Jobe, Alzheimer’s Association National Early-Stage Advisor

    Deb Jobe’s brother, Ron Nosal, Jr., has worked for Edward Jones in the St. Louis offices for more than 30 years.
    Two years ago, at age 53, I was diagnosed with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), a type of dementia. It was the Alzheimer’s Association that came to my family’s aid in providing resources, support and education after my diagnosis. For that, I am eternally grateful. 
    Over the last two years, I’ve turned my energy toward giving back as someone living with dementia. I am a member of the 2021-2022 Alzheimer’s Association National Early Stage Advisory Group. As one of 10 advisors across the country, my goal is to increase awareness of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, and to educate people about the disease, dispel stigma and serve my community.
    I thank my brother Ron and all Edward Jones associates for their commitment, dedication and passion in support of the Alzheimer’s Association cause through the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. As walks continue across the nation, I’m so grateful for the Edward Jones partnership with Alzheimer’s Association. I want all Edward Jones associates to know that taking that first step in joining their local walk — and fighting this fight — will continue to have a huge impact on families like mine.
    I am so proud of my amazing brother. I will soon be moving back home to St. Louis with my husband, and we are excited to be surrounded by the support from the Edward Jones family dedicated to this fight. Thank you for making a difference in my life, and so many more, by getting involved in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s!

    Katie Helmstadter, Wisconsin 

    Walk to End Alzheimer's - Antigo chair Katie Helmstadter, a financial advisor with Edward Jones, walks on behalf of her clients — and for her own family.
    I participate in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s to increase awareness of this awful disease. My great-grandfather and my grandmother both battled Alzheimer’s, and I know that me, my father and my brother are at a higher risk of being affected. My grandma’s symptoms began with small signs, but grew to much bigger ones. She drove out of town and got lost; she was unable to remember my name; she had a bad fall when searching for her dog, Lady, although Lady had passed away. Ultimately, we moved her to a care home where she would have proper care around the clock. 
    I was in my early 20s when my grandma first started showing signs of the disease, and I had no understanding of Alzheimer's, nor how to help, care for or even speak to someone with the disease. Today, I am chair of the Antigo Walk to End Alzheimer's and actively participate in Alzheimer's awareness, fundraising and training. I also provide special surprises for the residents at local nursing facilities throughout the year!
    As I look back, I wish things had been different with my grandma. I want others to be better prepared so that they can help care for their loved ones more efficiently and effectively than I was able to. It’s my hope that all family members on their Alzheimer’s journey know the best ways to help, communicate with and support loved ones in the midst of these diseases. The Alzheimer’s Association can help your family by providing education and support services, as the organization continues to secure research funding to work toward new treatments, and the cure we all so desperately crave. By getting involved in fundraising and awareness events like the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, we can all make a difference.

    Lindsay Edwards, Illinois

    Lindsay Edwards is an Edward Jones branch office administrator in East Peoria, IL.

    My mom passed away from Alzheimer's disease a couple days after an Edward Jones cornhole tournament fundraiser. The cards, phone calls, photos of co-workers wearing Alzheimer’s Association purple and donations in her memory were so appreciated. 

    The death of my mom resulted in colleagues sharing their connection to Alzheimer’s disease with me. I’ve found that more and more people have been affected by the disease. My desire has always been to help make a difference so that one day, this horrendous disease that destroys so much more than just memories will no longer be a reality.

    In October 2018, I attended my first Walk to End Alzheimer’s, which happened to be just after my first interview for a position with Edward Jones. I heard the Edward Jones team being called onstage at the Walk, and listened to team members talk about their alliance with the Alzheimer's Association! My friends said it was a sign that I was making the right move in leaving my previous job of 10 years. 

    My role with Edward Jones has given me an opportunity to share my story and raise awareness that I probably would have struggled to do solely on my own. And I’ve learned that clients don't always understand the workings of beneficiaries, account set-up, and legacy — but Edward Jones associates do. Open up and tell your story so that we can provide you and your family with the best help possible as you navigate this disease. Asking for help is the first step, and we're prepared to be there for you.

    Seth Asbill, North Carolina

    As a Edward Jones financial advisor in Wake Forest, NC, and a Walk to End Alzheimer’s regional coordinator, Seth knows that Edward Jones’ engagement with Walk to End Alzheimer’s is critical.

    Our purpose at Edward Jones is to partner together to make a positive impact with clients, colleagues and within communities, and that’s exactly what our partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association helps us to do. 

    One of the major ways we build trust is with the people we meet through our engagement in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Not only can we help serve people facing challenges due to the disease, we can also help families proactively plan to mitigate risk. Everything we do through the Walk to End Alzheiner’s is wholly in alignment with everything Edward Jones stands for, and something we are so proud to be a part of.

    Partnerships with trusted organizations like the Alzheimer’s Association shows communities where our heart is as an organization. We’re here because we genuinely care about the people we serve. We seek opportunities to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our clients, and we know that our Alzheimer’s Association partnership can help better the future for the millions of families facing Alzheimer’s disease every day.

    Brenda Vellia, South Carolina

    Branch office administrator Brenda Vellia talks about her connections to Alzheimer’s and dementia, and how the Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline came to her family’s aid. 

    I took on the role of regional coordinator for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s for the first time in 2017. It was three years earlier when me and my siblings first noticed signs that something was wrong with our mom. She was diagnosed with dementia. 

    The pandemic added new challenges: 2020 was the most heartbreaking year for us as a family. We were so used to seeing Mom as much as we wanted, but were unable to be inside with her. Window visits with a loved one living with dementia are not very satisfying, for either side!

    Thankfully, at the end of December 2020, we were able to hug mom one last time before we lost her in January 2021. Seeing a loved one decline and not being able to do anything about it is the worst feeling in the world. This disease steals so much, including important and beloved memories.

    Today, my brother-in-law is living with dementia, and my sister is his caregiver. I was able to direct her to the free 24/7 Alzheimer's Association Helpline, where she is getting the help she needs through local support groups. I am so thankful that she is able to connect with others who truly understand what she is going through. I live seven hours from her, and knowing she has this local support means the world to me.

    I look forward to the day when we know what this disease really is — what causes it, how to prevent, treat it and cure it. That is why I fight so hard and rally our region for the cause. After all, we're all striving for the same thing — a future without Alzheimer's disease.

    Anson Sobers, Texas

    Edward Jones regional leader and financial advisor Anson Sobers shares his personal Alzheimer’s story.

    My grandmother (‘Granny’) immigrated to the United States from Trinidad and Tobago in the late 1960s, starting a new life for her family in New York. It was there that I observed and learned what working hard meant. Granny worked at Yonkers General Hospital as a licensed vocational nurse for more than 30 years, caring for the sick, injured, convalescent and disabled.  
    Granny was a woman of few words, but could always tell when there was a need. She was also a giver, of both her time and her minimal resources. When she retired in early 2000 and moved closer to my family, we were so excited. Then Granny started to forget things, and as time went on, she began to decline more rapidly due to Alzheimer’s disease.

    Last year, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, in November, 2020, my grandmother Crescentia Sandy lost her battle with this terrible disease. This is why I fight alongside the Alzheimer's Association. Seeing what my grandmother went through, along with the effects that caregiving had on my mom, gave me even greater empathy and perspective for my clients and others facing this disease. I know that we CAN and WILL end Alzheimer's.

    Willie Randall & Wendy Marshall, Virginia 

    Edward Jones financial advisor Willie and senior branch office administrator Wendy, both of Exmore, show their commitment to the cause through the Walk to End Alzheimer’s.

    We strive to live our values through volunteering, charitable giving and supporting causes that are most important to our clients and associates. Our strategy to help grow our 2021 Walk to End Alzheimer’s team also helped foster relationships in our community. 

    We know what Alzheimer’s disease can do to a family, and we have seen how resources can disappear so quickly. It is awful to watch longtime clients forget how to take care of their money and, eventually, forget how to take care of their own basic needs. We don't want to stand idly by; we want to help. It’s our job to help teach clients how to protect their finances down the road, and plan for whatever may be in their future. 
    In 2017, our Edward Jones Exmore branch had a joint seminar with the Southeastern Virginia Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. To further show our support, our branch formed a Walk to End Alzheimer's team. Our first team was made up of just eight walkers. This year we are very proud to say that Team Edward Jones in Exmore is 99 strong and has raised more than $10,000 in the fight to end Alzheimer’s!

    Wayne Wallace, Montana

    Wayne Wallace, a Billings-based Edward Jones financial advisor, believes that his life has been changed because of Edward Jones’ partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association.

    I know that our partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association has made me a better financial advisor. I have found that the more I learn about Alzheimer's disease, the better I am at identifying cues in client conversations about their family that indicate the presence of the disease.

    As I continue my quest to become more familiar with Alzheimer’s Association and firm resources, I can better connect clients with valuable resources, services and information that can help change the course of their lives for the better. I am proud to support and provide value to the families we serve, and improve the way we do it through our important partnership with the Association. 

    Anna Johnson, Tempe

    Home office associate Anna Johnson supports Alzheimer’s awareness in honor of her grandfather, who died of complications from the disease.

    I’m so happy to support the Alzheimer’s Association through the Walk to End Alzheimer's. I truly believe that the more awareness and funding we can raise, the greater the chances there are for finding a cure, or a treatment to slow the disease. 
    My grandfather lived with Alzheimer's. Watching him decline had a huge impact on me and my life. I saw him go from forgetting small things to eventually not recognizing his own son — my dad — when we would visit him at his care facility. Today, I sadly have more friends and family currently battling the disease. I continue to raise my voice on behalf of all of them, and for a future world without this disease.

    Kristin Johnson, St. Louis 

    Edward Jones partner Kristin Johnson feels privileged to support the Alzheimer’s Association in hopes of ending a disease that has impacted her own family and affects more than 300,000 Edward Jones’ clients.
    The Alzheimer’s cause is particularly close to my heart. I lost my grandmother to this devastating disease and am now supporting my mother through her own diagnosis. I am so grateful for our firm’s support of the Alzheimer’s Association and their work to find a cure.
    Edward Jones has been a strategic partner with Alzheimer’s Association since 2016, raising more than $25 million through our firm, associates and communities. In 2020, we renewed our partnership, committing to raise another $25 million over the next five years. I’m proud of our ambitions to help make an impact in the lives of our clients, colleagues and communities, and look forward to what we will accomplish together over the next five years.

    The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research programs. Learn more at
    Edward Jones continues its investment to enhance the Alzheimer's Association’s care and support programs, provide educational materials for Edward Jones clients and associates and fund critical Alzheimer’s research. Learn more.

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    Edward Jones and the Walk to End Alzheimer’s