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West Texas
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Your support of the Walk to End Alzheimer's

has made a lasting impact on the lives of Texans facing Alzheimer’s and other dementia. But just like this disease, we aren’t stopping. Fundraising continues through Dec. 31.

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We're Here For You

Currently, in Texas more than 459,300 are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and over 1,016,000 family and friends are providing care.

Serving Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Permian Basin, San Angelo and surrounding communities, the Alzheimer’s Association West Texas Chapter is here to help. Through the generous support of donors, volunteers and staff, we provide education and care and support services to all those facing Alzheimer’s and other dementias at no charge to individuals and families living with the disease, care partners, and clinicians. We are also committed to advocating for the needs and rights of those facing dementia and advancing critical research toward methods of early diagnosis, accessible treatment, risk reduction, and, ultimately, a cure.

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Las 10 Señales

Su memoria a menudo cambia a medida que envejece. Pero la pérdida de memoria que interrumpe la vida cotidiana no es una parte típica del envejecimiento.

10 señales de advertenci

Línea de ayuda 24/7

Llame a nuestra línea de ayuda gratuita al 800.272.3900 para obtener información confiable y apoyo en cualquier momento, durante el día o la noche. Estamos aquí para ayudar.

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Chapter Recent Items

1st Tuesday - IN PERSON EL PASO - Caregiver Support Group

1st Tuesday - IN PERSON EL PASO - Caregiver Support Group

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1st Tuesday - IN PERSON EL PASO - Caregiver Support Group

1st Tuesday - IN PERSON EL PASO - Caregiver Support Group

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1st Tuesday - IN PERSON EL PASO - Caregiver Support Group

1st Tuesday - IN PERSON EL PASO - Caregiver Support Group

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Keep Up With Alzheimer’s News and Events

El primer sobreviviente del Alzheimer está allí afuera, pero no lo lograremos sin usted.

Cómo participar

Conozca los efectos de la enfermedad de Alzheimer sobre el cerebro.

Realice el paseo

No se quede de brazos cruzados esperando una cura. Ayúdenos a encontrarla. 

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