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Enroll in our continuing medical education on Alzheimer’s and dementia, including free CE options on ARIA and clinical trial participation in diverse populations.
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The Alzheimer's Association works with healthcare systems, including outpatient and hospital settings, to address the rising costs of dementia care and improve patient care and outcomes along the way. With our help, your network will gain the knowledge necessary to make timely diagnosis and treatment plans, reducing expensive hospitalizations and allowing you to more effectively manage costs.
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Both pharmacological and nonpharmacologic interventions should be used to optimally treat and manage the cognitive, behavioral and psychological symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other dementia. Learn More
Cognitive decline can be difficult and time consuming to discuss with patients. In-depth dementia care planning is beneficial for all, and is covered under Medicare.
Putting care plans in place, including palliative and hospice care, as early as possible allows the person living with Alzheimer's disease to share their wishes and helps to ensure they have a say in their future care.
Use medical billing codes for services aimed at improving detection, diagnosis, and care planning and coordination.
The Alzheimer’s Association formed an expert workgroup that outlined seven essential principles for dementia care navigation, which emphasize person-centered care.
The Alzheimer’s Association’s health systems directors work with hospitals and clinicians across the country to develop customized solutions that improve care outcomes for people living with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Learn More
The Alzheimer’s Association is committed to connecting clinicians to effective, evidence-based models and frameworks of care that can be replicated in community settings.
This free continuing education series of interactive, case-based video conferencing sessions connects multidisciplinary dementia care experts with healthcare teams.
The Alzheimer's Association offers continuing medical education on Alzheimer's and dementia, including free CE options, to remain current in this fast-changing field.
The Roundtable consists of health systems, payers and dementia experts who aim to establish consistent processes and protocols for dementia care navigation.
Contact our health systems directors team to learn more about resources available from the Alzheimer's Association or for help transforming your dementia care practice.
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