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    Community Forums

    Community Forums

    We're hosting community forums across New York City with local organizations. Join a forum in your local area. You will increase your knowledge of Alzheimer's and other dementias, find out about available resources, and have opportunities to share your experiences and discuss the services and resources you need. 

    Upcoming Forums

    Staten Island Community Forum
    Friday, January 31, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
    The Church of Saint Clare, 110 Nelson Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10308
    Staten Island residents are invited to join us for this Community Forum. Register online or by calling 800.272.3900.

    Brooklyn Community Forum
    Thursday, February 27, 12:30-2 p.m.
    Bergen Beach Older Adult Center, 2335 Bergen Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234-6652
    To join us for this free Community Forum, register online or by calling 800.272.3900.