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    Alex Tsao, Ph.D.

    Alex Tsao, Ph.D.

    Alex Tsao, Ph.D.Alex Tsao, Ph.D. worked for Ford Aerospace, later Space Systems Loral and Global Star, in the field of satellite communication. He left Global Star as a satellite communication payload manager in 1993 to found a wireless network company which he retired from in late 2006.

    Dr. Tsao has since been devoting most of his time in community service volunteer work for causes involving cancer, Alzheimer's and end-of-life issues, advocating for patient and family support and community education efforts.

    He served as a board member and later the president for American Cancer Society, California Chinese Unit. Dr. Tsao was also a board member of the Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care.

    For six years, he served on the board of the Alzheimer's Association Northern California and Northern Nevada chapter board. Currently, Dr. Tsao is helping the Northern California and Northern Nevada chapter in its continuous effort in Chinese community outreach as the chair of its Chinese Advisory Council. He has also been a member of the advisory board for New Hope Chinese Cancer Care Foundation since 2013.

    Dr. Tsao received a master’s degree from Duke University and a Ph.D. from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, both in electrical engineering. 

    Dr. Tsao was elected to the board of directors in 2018.