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    Dozene Guishard, Ed.D., CDP

    Dozene Guishard, Ed.D., CDP

    Dozene Guishard, Ed.D., CDPDozene Guishard, Ed.D. is the director of health and wellness initiatives at Carter Burden Network (CBN), an aging service nonprofit organization. In this role, Dr. Guishard has created a health and wellness framework that has informed the organization’s programming direction, developed strategic community partnerships to offer more robust referral and education opportunities for clients and piloted innovative programming through community-academic research partnerships.

    Dr. Guishard has been appointed to serve on several volunteer and professional boards and committees, including the New York City Health + Hospitals Metropolitan Hospital Center’s Community Advisory Board, the New York Academy of Medicine COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Action Collaborative Steering Committee and the thought leader team of the New York University Langone Health Engagement in Longevity and Medicine project. She is currently a director on The Steve Fund Board and Andrus on the Hudson Board. She has previously served as the chair of the Association’s Hudson Valley chapter board of the Alzheimer’s Association and is the current chair of the chapter’s diversity, equity, and inclusion committee.

    Dr. Guishard has a bachelor of arts degree in social gerontology from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a master's degree in gerontological administration from the New School University. She holds a doctorate degree in education from St. John Fisher College, School of Education.

    Dr. Guishard was elected to the board of directors in 2021.