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Northern California and Northern Nevada
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Volunteer advocates from all over Northern California and Northern Nevada are the force that drives our chapter’s public policy work. They send emails, attend policy events, post social media, and meet with lawmakers in Sacramento, Carson City, and Washington D.C. Their goal? To urge lawmakers to pass legislation that helps families living with Alzheimer’s, and to ask for more research funding to end Alzheimer’s once and for all. 

A look back at last year’s advocacy program.

Ask any advocacy volunteer - being an advocate is fun! And you can do it. All you need is the desire to make a difference, and staff and volunteers will guide you every step of the way.

To learn more, select your state of residency:

Keep Up With Alzheimer’s News and Events

El primer sobreviviente del Alzheimer está allí afuera, pero no lo lograremos sin usted.

Cómo participar

Conozca los efectos de la enfermedad de Alzheimer sobre el cerebro.

Realice el paseo

No se quede de brazos cruzados esperando una cura. Ayúdenos a encontrarla. 

Más información