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2023 Pilot Awards for Global Brain Health Leaders (GBHI)

Challenges in health seeking behavior among hypertensive adults in Nepal

What factors contribute to high blood pressure in the older adult population of Nepal?

Prabha Shrestha
Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences
Dhulikhel, Nepal


Studies show that individuals with hypertension (high blood pressure) are at significantly greater risk for cognitive decline and developing dementia as they age. Hypertension has been well-studied as a modifiable risk factor for dementia in high-income countries. However, awareness surrounding the link between hypertension and dementia risk in low-and middle-income is lacking despite these countries having a higher prevalence of hypertension.

Research Plan

Prabha Shrestha and colleagues aim to identify the factors impacting hypertension in older adults living in Nepal. They will use clinical and demographic data from the Healthy City Initiative in Dhulikhel Municipality in Nepal. Using this dataset, they aim to identify 200 older individuals with hypertension who will be recruited to the study. The team will then examine the relationship between blood pressure control and age, sex, BMI, and other clinical factors across the study population. Next, the researchers will interview a subset of participants and healthcare workers in the region to examine the healthcare barriers among older adults with hypertension. 


Results from this study may provide new insights into the factors contributing to hypertension risk in an underserved population.

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