Japan ADNI
Japan ADNI (J-ADNI) was launched in 2007-2008, was completed in 2014 and is now in the second phase of the project that launched in 2015. J-ADNI is working to acquire data comparable to that gathered through other WW-ADNI centers. J-ADNI is enrolling volunteers, including individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and healthy controls, and collecting data and conducting its initial analyses. Preliminary results from J-ADNI analyses are similar to the baseline results from NA-ADNI, E-ADNI and AIBL. J-ADNI has announced the continued funding for J-ADNI2 (currently named as “AMED preclinical AD study”) up to five years, to recruit an additional ~500 volunteers (100 with early MCI, 100 with late MCI, and 150 each with preclinical AD and normal). AMED is the Japanese Agency for Medical Research and Development and is providing funding for the study.
In 2009, J-ADNI hosted the first WW-ADNI meeting in Sendai, Japan. The meeting brought together biomarker leaders involved in WW-ADNI to discuss its potential to accelerate the identification, standardization, and validation of biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease.