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Alzheimer's is a journey, not a destination. As someone living with Alzheimer’s or dementia, or as someone who is a caregiver, taking an active role to learn more about how your life may be impacted by these circumstances can help you navigate the steps of your personal journey.
Our free education programs feature information on topics including the signs of Alzheimer's disease, diagnosis, communication, living with Alzheimer's and caregiving techniques and are available to you in various formats:

Access on-demand Alzheimer’s and dementia education programs online at

For a full list of upcoming education programs and other support services, visit, our online community resource finder where you can search our lengthy list of programs, or our Community Programs and Services Guide, our catalog of upcoming local programs.

Finally, information on upcoming programs and other resources can be accessed by calling our 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900.