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    Use of Curriculum

    Who is approved to use and teach this curriculum?

    By attending this training program you are approved to use the training materials to teach staff within your agency/company the person-centered Habilitation Therapy approach to dementia care. Only individuals who complete the Alzheimer’s Association presented Person-Centered Dementia Care: A Habilitation Therapy Training Curriculum training program are approved trainers of this curriculum. Trainers are not allowed to share training materials or the training protected materials folder with those who are not trained by the Alzheimer’s Association.

    Who should I teach using this curriculum?

    This curriculum is designed to teach care providers evidence informed, person centered hands-on dementia care approaches, for those working in community based or residential care. You are permitted to train any staff within your program, agency or health system. You must provide your learners with confirmation of successful completion of the training program. (Note: Certificate template is included in the training protected materials folder.)

    Can I act as the Trainer for other Trainers?

    No. Only the Alzheimer’s Association can train trainers for this program.

    Can I charge a fee for this curriculum?

    No. This program is designed for trainers to teach their direct care staff with no fee attached. If you have further questions contact your local Alzheimer’s Association Chapter.

    How can my organization communicate that we are using a recognized training by the Alzheimer's Association?

    Person-Centered Dementia Care: A Habilitation Therapy Training Curriculum is a professional training program by the Alzheimer’s Association® which successfully incorporates the evidence-based Dementia Care Practice Recommendations in the following topic areas: Alzheimer’s and dementia, person-centered care, assessment and care planning, activities of daily living, and behaviors and communication. 

    Providers who purchase and train their staff with Person-Centered Dementia Care: A Habilitation Therapy Training Curriculum are eligible to purchase the Alzheimer’s Association essentiALZ® certification and will receive an approved statement of recognition from the Alzheimer’s Association that references the opportunity for staff to become certified in essentiALZ. For more information about the Alzheimer’s Association essentiALZ® certification visit

    How do I access additional training materials including the PowerPoint slides, handouts, staff certificate of completion template, etc.?

    Within two weeks of completion of the training you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the Alzheimer’s Association Person-Centered Dementia Care Protected Materials Folder. This training folder is only available to those who have completed the train-the-trainer program.

    Does my certification as a trainer expire?

    Currently we are not requiring trainers to renew their certificate as a trainer every two years. Due to the pandemic the renewal process has been put on hold indefinitely. Trainers will be notified if this policy changes.


    What is the cost to attend the program?

    The cost to attend the train-the-trainer program varies based on your company. For profit company cost is $700 for the first person to attend, and $350 for each person thereafter to attend the same date. The non-profit rate is $275. To receive approval for the non-profit rate contact Lorraine Kermond,

    Are CEUs included in the program?

    The program is approved for nursing, social work and activity professional CEUs. Click here for more information. Upon completion of the training and post-test/evaluation, attendees receive a trainer certificate with CEU information.

    What is the refund policy if I signed up for a date but can no longer attend?

    A refund or transfer of registration to another person can be provided at least two weeks prior to the training. We do not offer refunds or transfers of registration within two weeks of the training date.

    Technology and Schedule

    Is the training offered in person or virtual?

    This training is currently offered virtually over Zoom. Attendees will receive an email invitation with the zoom link upon registering.

    Is it a full day training?

    The train-the-trainer program is being offered over two days via Zoom, 9:00 - 12:30 ET. Attendees must attend the complete duration of each day and complete the post-test/evaluation to receive their trainer certificate.

    Further Questions

    If you have any further questions, please contact Lorraine Kermond at