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The Alzheimer’s Association Memories in the Making® program offers creative art expression for individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early to the middle stages of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The program is delivered through long-term care communities, adult day facilities and Memory Cafes in the Wisconsin area.

Upcoming Dates:

Clinton Rose Senior Center - 2nd floor Art room
3045 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53212

2024 Sessions are 9:30 - 11 a.m.
4th Thursday of each month (NO November Session)
Space is limited to 20 participants
RSVP: Please call Sheila or Tiffany, 414-263-2255

Kelly Senior Center
6100 S. Lake Drive
Cudahy, WI 53110

2024 Sessions begin at 12 p.m.
1st Tuesday of each month
Space is limited to 20 participants
RSVP: Please call DeAnna, 414-481-9611



"I love working with the Memories in the Making program. It really opened my eyes to a beautiful experience, what those living with Alzheimer's can have. To see them enjoy their creative time to make their day go by faster."

                 Jane B. - facilitator

Memories in the Making participants create imaginative and colorful watercolor paintings. Most have no prior art experience. The painting process provides an opportunity to engage socially and reminisce about meaningful life moments, individuals or personal interests. Participants share stories about their art. A trained facilitator documents these memories, rekindling communications with family, friends and caregivers.

"If we don't make a mess, we haven't had any fun!"
              - Participant

The program offers an emotionally safe environment with positive messages. It is designed to be fun but also serves as a communication tool for families and professional caregivers to learn more about the person with dementia. More benefits.
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Art Therapy & Dementia News

Art Therapy - Painting and Sketching Can Help Dementia Patients

For Alzheimer's Patients, Art's Effects are Transformative



We are always looking for volunteers to get invovled with the program. View current opportunities.

For more information about the program, contact Coordinator Kathi Hayen at 414.479.8800 or