Meredith Bishop, Librarian, Milwaukee
“Even if it’s in a small way, it’s helping people.”
Meredith has been volunteering with the Alzheimer’s Association for over 15 years as the librarian in the Milwaukee office. She manages the Resource Center and buys and manages books, videos and other materials. The library is a resource for individual caregivers and organizations who use materials for the training of their staff.
Meredith is no stranger to the library system. She was a librarian with the Milwaukee Public Library for 36 years, before retiring. “I have enjoyed volunteering in the library,” says Meredith. “The staff are wonderful to work with and it keeps me sharp!”
She would recommend volunteering to others. “It gives you a sense of doing something good for others,” says Meredith. “Even if it’s in a small way, it’s helping people.”