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    Greater Maryland Chapter
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    Maryland Advocacy Day is February 20!

    We need your voice to encourage policymakers to make Alzheimer’s a priority.

    Register today!

    Greater Maryland Chapter

    Greater Maryland Chapter

    In Maryland, more than 127,200 people are living with Alzheimer’s. 247,000 caregivers dedicate 405 million hours of unpaid care. From Baltimore City to Prince George's County to Salisbury and every town in between, your local Greater Maryland Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association is here to help.

    Whether it’s offering support to anyone facing Alzheimer’s, advocating for the needs and rights of those facing dementia, or advancing critical research, we work toward methods of treatment, prevention, and ultimately, a cure.

    Connect with the Maryland Chapter.


    Take charge of your brain health today.

    See the 10 Healthy Habits

    Are you worried about Alzheimer’s disease?

    Know the 10 Signs

    Learn how Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain.

    Take the Brain Tour