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    Support for Early Stage

    Support for Early Stage

    The Alzheimer's Association early-stage programs offer an opportunity for individuals living with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and early-stage to comfortably engage with and connect to others who are living in the beginning stage of Alzheimer's or other dementia.

    Individuals may seek opportunities that allow them to make meaningful contributions and remain involved and active in daily life, friendships and decisions for as long as possible. Through a variety of community based social, cultural, intellectual, health and wellness and gardening events, individuals living with early stage dementia are able to connect with people who understand what they are going through and may provide support, encouragement, inspiration necessary to move beyond their diagnosis and have fun. 

    There is much you can do in the early stage to cope with the changes ahead.

    Person with Dementia Support Groups

    Person With Dementia Support Groups are free of charge and are geared towards individuals who have recently been diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or dementia and are in the early stage of the disease progression. This group is not meant for caregivers – learn about caregiver support groups here. All Person With MCI Dementia Support Groups are facilitated by trained Alzheimer’s Association Support Group Facilitators and meet for 6 months at a time.

    Individuals and their care partners are required to connect with the Alzheimer's Association prior to joining the group.

    CONTACT: If you are interested, please call the Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline at 1.800.272.3900. 

    COST: Free 

    WHERE: Typically hosted in for 1 hour a month, for 6 months at a time. View schedule.

    Growing Connections

    Join us for good, green fun!
    Growing Connections is a free gardening program designed exclusively for people with early-stage dementia and for their care partners. Choose the day that works best for you for the entire spring program. The classes focus on learning and having fun in the moment. We provide a light snack and plenty of social time for you to connect with your classmates. No garden, gardening experience, or green thumb required! Read the flyer for more information. [PDF]

    This series of classes is offered by the University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardeners of Hennepin County, in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association.

    REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED: Space is limited. If you are interested, please call Jenna at 952.857.0558. 

    Choose the day that works best for you for the entire spring program. Both sessions will take place at the Hopkins Activity Center in Hopkins, MN.

    • Monday mornings, April 14 - May 19, 10 a.m. - noon
    • Tuesday mornings, April 15 - May 20, 10 a.m. - noon

    Dancing for Mind & Body

    Do you have two left shoes? Or perhaps you have lots of dance experience? Either way, all levels are invited to join this 4-week program celebrating the fun of dancing. This no-cost program is created exclusively for people living with early dementia and their care partners and is led by Jay Dudding, a seasoned dance instructor. Participants will learn basics and build off of their skills weekly. 

    There are no sessions scheduled at this time. Sessions are typically offered in the spring and fall. 

    Community Classes

    Educational classes about Alzheimer's and Dementia are available to you and your friends and family at no cost.

    I Have Dementia 

    Click here for additional resources and support.