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    Become a Corporate Partner

    Become a Corporate Partner

    Several people standing together

    Together, we can align the impact of business and purpose. When you partner with the Alzheimer’s Association, you help mobilize, educate and innovate to end this deadly disease.

    Your support will give us the opportunity to advance research, enhance care and support for all affected, and drive risk reduction, all while meeting your company’s business objectives.

    Start a conversation about becoming a national corporate partner today.

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    Ways to get involved

    As a national corporate partner, your involvement can be customized to help achieve your brand's goals and business objectives, while helping move the mission of the Alzheimer's Association forward.

    Designate proceeds of a product to benefit the Association

    Help fund critical research, care and support and awareness initiatives by featuring products in the ALZ Mission Marketplace.

    Develop content licensing

    Consider co-branded resources for employees, customers and subscribers to generate awareness.

    Engage your employees

    Engage your employees with the Association's mission by participating in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s National Team or The Longest Day Global Team programs. Encourage employee support through payroll contributions and make an even bigger impact by offering an employer match.

    Feature a cause marketing campaign

    Invite customers to support your commitment to ending Alzheimer’s. Whether it be percentage of product sales or donations at checkout, cause marketing provides an easy way to build brand loyalty and enhance corporate reputation, while raising awareness and funding to advance the Association's mission.

    Join an industry leadership council

    The Accounting Industry Leadership Council and the Legal Industry Leadership Council offer opportunities for firms, professionals and clients to access Association care and support resources, while offering employee engagement opportunities to participate in Walk to End Alzheimer's.

    Sponsor galas or special events

    The Alzheimer's Association offers a variety of high-profile and exclusive events in cities all across the country to support the Association.

    Sponsor research conferences

    Support global forums for the leaders in Alzheimer’s science to collaborate, connect across disciplines, address common challenges and share new discoveries.

    Sponsor a signature event

    Sponsor an award-winning peer-to-peer fundraising event like Walk to End Alzheimer’s®, The Longest Day® or Ride to End ALZ® to reach the hundreds of thousands of people supporting our mission.

    Local sponsorship, events and volunteer opportunities

    In addition to nationwide corporate partnerships, regional and local opportunities are available and allow companies to gain greater visibility where their customers and employees live and work. To learn more, locate and contact your local chapter here.

    Want to learn more? Fill out our quick corporate partner interest form, and we'll be in touch soon.

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    Why support the Alzheimer's Association?

    The Alzheimer's Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research. The Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.

    Commitments from our corporate partners help the Association reach more people living with the disease and their caregivers with quality care and support resources today, while accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection for the future.

    Currently investing over $430 MILLION in more than 1,110 active best-of-field projects in 56 countries, spanning six continents.

    Free in-person and online resources to the MILLIONS facing Alzheimer’s disease.

    Provided care and support more than 6.5 MILLION times on the phone, online and in person.

    Meet the companies who currently support the Association through corporate partnership.

    Perspectives on purpose    

    Our commitment to transparency

    No contribution from any entity impacts the Alzheimer's Association decision-making, nor our positions on issues related to people living with Alzheimer’s, other dementia and their families. Learn more about our commitment to transparency.