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    Local Program Calendar

    Local Program Calendar

    Attend an education program in South Carolina

    Learn about Alzheimer's disease, diagnosis, living with Alzheimer's and caregiving techniques at a public program by a trained presenter. If you need an in-home care sitter in order to attend a local educational program, learn how to access this service at no cost by calling the Alzheimer’s Association South Carolina Chapter at least 2 weeks in advance at 800-272-3900.  

    To request a free educational presentation for a workplace or community group, please browse available topics and submit our interest form.

    In-Person Programs

    Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia
    February 11 | 6:00 - 7:00 PM
    Boiling Springs Library, 871 Double Branch Rd, Boiling Springs

    Managing Money: A Caregiver's Guide to Finances
    February 11 | 6:30 - 7:30 PM
    Mauldin Library, 800 W Butler Road, Greenville 

    Effective Communication Strategies
    February 13 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM
    Town Square, 368 Fort Mill Pkwy, Fort Mill

    Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia
    February 25 | 6:00 - 8:00 PM
    Portside at Grande Dunes, 901 Portside Drive, Myrtle Beach

    10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's
    February 27 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    Myrtle Beach Manor, 9547 N. Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach

    10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's
    February 27 | 2:00 - 3:00 PM
    Horry County Memorial Library, 910 First Avenue South, North Myrtle Beach

    Live Webinars

    The Empowered Caregiver
    A free live webinar series offered in partnership with Isaac Health and the North Carolina Chapters of the Alzheimer's Association

    Thursday in February from 6:00-7:30 PM 
    View details and register (for individual courses or the entire series)

    • February 6: Understanding Dementia and Foundations of Caregiving
    • February 13: Supporting Independence
    • February 20: Communication and Behavior Changes and Strategies
    • February 27: Care and Support Services

    On-Demand Programs

    Take some of our most popular classes below on your own schedule or browse additional topics.

    Attend a caregiver support group

    Our caregiver support groups offer comfort, reassurance, practical advice and a community of people who are facing similar challenges. These meetings are for unpaid family members or friends caring for someone living with Alzheimer’s disease, another dementia or a related disorder. People who attend should be comfortable and open to discussing their experience in a group setting.

    Support group details are updated regularly and subject to change. Please note that our caregiver support groups are not appropriate for professionals or paid caregivers. If you need an in-home care sitter in order to attend a group, learn how to access a local sitter service at no cost by calling the Alzheimer’s Association South Carolina Chapter at least 2 weeks in advance at 800-272-3900.

    In-person Meetings

    Coastal Region: February
    Midlands Region: February
    Upstate Region: February

    Virtual Meetings

    To register, click on a date or call 800.272.3900.

    Generation X, Y & ALZ Support Group
    Meets monthly on 1st Sunday at 6:30 PM
    February 2 | 6:30-7:30 PM

    St. Michael's Monday Support Group
    (hybrid: Zoom meeting offered concurrently with in-person meeting in Murrells Inlet)
    Meets monthly on 1st & 3rd Mondays at 10:30 AM
    February 3 | 10:30-11:30 AM
    February 17 | 10:30-11:30 AM

    Caregiver Support Group
    Hosted by Respite Care Charleston
    Meets monthly on 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 PM
    February 4 | 7:00-8:00 PM
    February 18 | 7:00-8:00 PM

    Spousal Caregiver Support Group
    Meets monthly on 2nd Tuesday at 12:00 PM
    February 11 | 12:00-1:00 PM

    Coffee & Caregivers Group
    Meets monthly on 3rd Saturday at 9:00 AM
    February 15 | 9:00 AM

    Attend an early-stage program

    Early-stage dementia programs are intended to provide a safe and positive environment for individuals who have a physician’s diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, another dementia, MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) or a related disorder. People who attend should be comfortable and open to discussing their diagnosis and symptoms in a group setting.

    In-Person Connections Cafe: Early Stage Social Engagement Program
    Meets monthly on the second Thursday at 2 PM
    February 13 | 2:00 PM
    The Upcountry History Museum
    540 Buncombe St., Greenville, SC

    Programs vary each month but typically include a short meeting, a tour of a current museum exhibition, and a hands-on activity time in the classroom. Admission is free for the diagnosed individual plus a guest.

    If you are looking for early stage programs in your area, please let us know that you are interested! Call the Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900 or contact Debbie Schneider, Program Manager ( or 843.492.0472).


    Join a local event

    Join us for one of our signature events to raise awareness and funds to further the fight to end Alzheimer’s.

    Ride to End ALZ® South Carolina

    July 11-13, 2025
    The best-supported cycling weekend of the summer now offers a Grand Tour (257 miles), a Half Tour (136 miles) and a monthlong Virtual Challenge.
    Learn more

    The Longest Day®

    A year-round DIY event +
    awareness day on June 20, 2025

    The Longest Day is a fun, flexible way to support the fight to #ENDALZ your way through sports, parties, baking or any activity that you love.
    Browse activities

    Walk to End Alzheimer's®

    Fall 2025 
    With 9 locations across SC, it's easy to be a part of the world's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's care, support and research.
    Get started today