The Alzheimer’s Network for Treatment and Diagnostics (ALZ-NET) is a voluntary provider-enrolled network that collects real-world data from people evaluated for or treated with new FDA-approved Alzheimer’s therapies. It serves as a resource for gathering evidence, sharing information and improving patient quality of care.

ALZ-NET offers resources and education for clinicians and health care providers. Patients, families, and caregivers who participate in ALZ-NET through their health care providers have access to support and resources through the Alzheimer’s Association, including additional opportunities to participate in research.



A word from Maria C. Carrillo, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer and Medical Affairs Lead, Alzheimer's Association

"We are entering a new phase of Alzheimer's treatment. Data from real-world settings often provide unique insights into the way patients receive real-world care beyond what can typically be learned through clinical trials. In addition, ALZ-NET aspires to alleviate health inequity through an inclusive approach in a broad patient population treated in real-world settings."

Why should clinicians participate in

Stay up to date on the latest developments in dementia research and care when you participate in ALZ-NET. The network provides value-driven solutions that address clinician time commitment and education, resources, and tools to enhance the clinician's knowledge, comfort, and ability to provide care.

Through participation in ALZ-NET, providers can:

  • Leverage the Alzheimer’s Association’s experience collaborating with a national network of providers.
  • Receive site remuneration for operations and data collection, including site start up and case-based data entry payments.
  • Utilize ALZ-NET as a pathway to Medicare coverage for anti-amyloid Alzheimer’s therapies that have received traditional FDA approval.
  • Gain insights on your patient population through data shared back to your institution.
  • Adopt new solutions to capturing, interpreting and harmonizing Alzheimer’s and other dementia data and insights that will inform quality improvement strategies.
  • Access resources that are aggregated through ALZ-NET to support clinicians and their staff in emerging science.
  • Receive educational support for the appropriate use of therapies, biomarker interpretation, and safety monitoring.
To learn more about participating in ALZ-NET, visit

ALZ-NET International

ALZ-NET International connects ALZ-NET with Real-World Data (RWD) platforms globally, providing opportunities to share resources, exchange ideas and amplify impact. ALZ-NET International partners meet quarterly to share updates and initiatives, including at an annual in-person meeting at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC). Collaboration between ALZ-NET International partners is encouraged through the formation of working groups to explore areas of mutual interest.

International real-world data platforms and platforms in development are invited to apply for the Alzheimer's Association Funding Program for Global Real-World Data Platforms (ALZ-RWD), which aims to advance RWD by providing funds to develop, expand and align RWD platforms' infrastructure, data and impact globally.

Learn more about ALZ-NET International.