Pathways to Dementia Care Training and Certification
Options for individuals and providers
High-quality dementia care training can lead to an improvement in communication between caregivers and individuals living with dementia, a reduction in dementia-related behaviors and an increase in job satisfaction for staff.
The Alzheimer’s Association offers flexible choices to implement quality care. Informed by leading dementia researchers and practitioners, our resources provide individuals and providers pathways to training and certification reflecting the Alzheimer’s Association Dementia Care Practice Recommendations.
How to choose a training and certification option
Do you need a training program for yourself or your staff?
- Purchase essentiALZ® — Alzheimer's Association training and certification, which is suitable for both individual professional care workers as well as professional care providers.
- Or, learn about other recognized training programs that are eligible for essentiALZ certification.
Do you have your own proprietary training program?
- Purchase curriculum review to ensure that your organization’s proprietary dementia care training program reflects the most current, evidence-based information. essentiALZ certification exams must be purchased separately.
Have you already trained your staff with a recognized training program?
- Purchase essentiALZ certification exams. With a passing exam score of 90% or higher, individual staff members will be certified in essentiALZ for two years.
Contact us
For more information about the essentiALZ training program, the essentiALZ certification exam and curriculum review, please complete our form.Contact Us

Implement quality care practices in your care setting.
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Get trained and certified through essentiALZ.
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